DOGE Hurts Vets
According to the US Office of Personnel Management, military veterans made up about 30% of federal employees in 2021, and many of them had service-related disabilities.
The federal government’s hiring process gives veterans who were discharged under honorable conditions priority over other applicants. Just another DEI cut?
Meanwhile Trump is also sacking top military leadership.
THE FIRST shot against America’s senior military leaders was fired within hours of Donald Trump’s inauguration on January 20th: General Mark Milley’s portrait was removed from the wall on the E-ring, where it had hung with paintings of other former chairmen of the joint chiefs of staff. A day later the commandant of the coast guard, Admiral Linda Fagan, was thrown overboard. On February 21st it was the most senior serving officer, General Charles “CQ” Brown, a former F-16 pilot, who was ejected from the Pentagon. At least he was spared a Trumpian farewell insult. “He is a fine gentleman and an outstanding leader,” Mr Trump declared.
Other top brass were cashiered, too, among them Admiral Lisa Franchetti, the chief of naval operations; and General James Slife, the deputy head of the air force. Perhaps even more alarming, given the administration’s trashing of conventions across the federal government, the judge advocates general of the army, navy and air force—ie, the services’ most senior lawyers—were dismissed, too.